Georgian Touroperator GEOFIT TRAVEL

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Mini-hotel "Chalet Marina"

Hotels / Hotels in Georgia / Gudauri
Mini-hotel  «Chalet Marina»
Mini-hotel  «Chalet Marina» is located in Gudauri. Mini-Hotel "Chalet Marina" in Gudauri can easily be categorized as family-type hotel. The property has a living room with fireplace and dining room, and a sauna. Guests can use their own kitchen. Reach the lifts and go down to the hotel you can do by skiing. It is worth to mention the magnificent view that opens at the top of Gudauri, from all premises of the mini-hotel.
Rooms: 5 rooms. Each room has an individual bathroom (bath/shower and toilet) and balcony. There is also a separate single bedroom without a bathroom, where a child or a babysitter can be settled (there is a separate toilet on the 1st floor).
Guaranteed prices in the hotel
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Prices for transfers in Georgia
Mini-hotel "Chalet Marina" Mini-hotel "Chalet Marina" Mini-hotel "Chalet Marina"
Mini-hotel "Chalet Marina" Mini-hotel "Chalet Marina" Mini-hotel "Chalet Marina"
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Touroperator in Georgia Туроператор по Грузии и Кавказу Touroperator in Georgia Touroperator in Georgia Reiseveranstalter in Georgien Tour operateur l'Georgia Tour Operateur Georgia Tour Operateur Georgia