Hotel "Prestige" *** Hotel «Prestige» - is a unique three-star hotel, allowing guests to enjoy the peace and comfort of Batumi right in the heart of the city. There open the views on mountains from the rooms. You can choose as a standard room, including a balcony, and "suites", some of which have their own fireplace. The rooms are equipped with cable and satellite TV, wireless internet, air conditioning and hair dryer. A full range of recreational and business services will complement the list of hotel offers. Hotel "Prestige" is 6 minutes from the beach. Guests can use the gym or have a massage. Attractions in the area include Gonio Castle and Batumi Botanical Gardens that is just 5 minutes away by car. Rooms in the hotel: 27 rooms. Each room is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay with cable and satellite TV, air conditioning, private bathroom, air conditioning winter-summer, gas heating, round the clock security, parking. Hotel services:
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