“Rachuli Wine” Ltd, formerly Chrebalo Winery, has over a century of experience in producing fine wines. Prior to 1995 the vineyards were under state control, but since then “Rachuli Wine” Ltd has been privately owned. The winery annually handles between 300 to 500 tons of grapes received from its own vineyards as well as those acquired from local wine growers. All wine production and bottling takes place on our premises.
Currently “Rachuli Wine” Ltd produces 10 variety of wines: “Khvanchkara”; “Tetra”; “Barakoni”; “Alexandrouli”; “Chrebalo White’; “Chrebalo Red”; “Twishi”; “Ojaleshi’; “Lomoido” and “Tsitska”. These sort of wines are made from the unique grape varieties. “Alexandrouli”; “Mujuretuli” and “Rachuli Tetra” are varieties of “Tsitska” and “Ojaleshi” grape sorts, which are cultivated in Western Georgia, on the steep slopes of the Rioni gorge in the Caucasian mountains. Dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet wines are made from these unique species of grapes.
It should be noted, that these variety of grapes are grown at the bank of the river Rioni and they not cultivated in any region of Georgia except Racha.
During World War II, at the conference of "Big Three" (Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill) that took place in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam, wine "Khvanchkara" was a table decoration. In the late 90's, the British royal court was supplied with wine "Khvanchkara" and "Aleksandrouli" through the Embassy of Georgia.