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About Georgia / City tours / Batumi

Batumi - "Georgian Singapur", is the most famous Black Sea resort with the population of 120,000. To experience the beauty of Batumi, one must walk through the Central 8 kilometer seaside boulevard and park, one of the most beautiful on the Black Sea coast. Colorful animated fountains, that are located at the beginning and the end of the park are stunning. A trademark of Batumi is Batumi Piazza, built in 2009. In 2010, the adornment of the city became a new, 7 meters high, moving sculpture of Love. The statue represents the figure of a woman and a man. They seek to each other, for 8-10 minutes very original and beautiful move towards each other and eventually merge as one.
Excursion in Batumi: Argonauts square with Medea statue, animated fountains (laser show), worldknown dolphinarium, Gonior Apsar fortress, the oldest fortress in Georgia, on the board with Turkey, Botanic garden, that has more than 5 thousand exotic plants, icluding roses garden, with 1200 sorts of roses.
Batumi is also a city of great spiritual culture. Churches, temples, cathedrals, mosques and synagogues represent a variety of religious concessions. Here religion is highly respected. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, restored in 1989 - is a Gothic church, built from a special stone that changes color according to the weather. Not far from the Cathedral is placed the church of St. Nicholas, built in the XIX century. In the silence of the Batumi Boulevard, at the entrance to the city, stands the impressive Temple of Saint Barbara - Catholic church, built in the late XX century. Shadowgraph of the temple resembles Christ with outstretched arms. St. Nino Church, in the spiritual gymansium of St. Andrew the Apostole (1994), built at the initiative of the priest David Shiolashvili. Cemetery church of the Holy Trinity ( the 2nd half of XIX century) was consecrated in 1997 into the Church of St. Tamara, located on the same mountain, where the ruins of the ancient fortress were preserved, built in 2001 by the Batumi patrons D. and T. Komakhidze. At the Gamsakhurdia street is located Armenian Gregorian church. Armenian church "Saint-Prkits" was built in 1890, designed by Austrian architect Menfilda. Jewish synagogue functioning in the city is similar to the synagogue of Hague and Amsterdam. In the same way to this day, in the ancient mosques divine services are passed.
Batumi Archaeological Museum functions since 1994. In its extensive funds are collected 22,800 museum exhibits - the material culture of different ages, found in Ajara in Tsihisdziri, Kvashte, Shalte, Hihadziri, Makhvilauri.
Batumi local history museum. The museum has a nice vintage, academic atmosphere. Here are exhibited Black Sea fish, local minerals, samples of tea leaves. Archeological department has a lot of ceramics and several bronze Colchian axes.
Excursions to: Peter's fortress, Gonio fortress and famous Batumi botanic garden. A little further are located the resorts of Kvariati, Chakvi (home of Georgian tea) and beaches Sarpi, which are considered the best in Adjara. Quite near is located the national park Mtirala.
Hotels of Batumi you can see in the section Batumi hotels.





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Touroperator in Georgia Туроператор по Грузии и Кавказу Touroperator in Georgia Touroperator in Georgia Reiseveranstalter in Georgien Tour operateur l'Georgia Tour Operateur Georgia Tour Operateur Georgia